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- Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1992 10:57:33 -0500
- From: Ted Wagner <trwagner@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu>
- Please replace the former Hellcats_over_Pacific.txt with this
- updated version. The last version had a text wrap problem in the text
- formating. A few errors were fixed as well.
- ------------------< cut here >---------------------------------------
- Hellcats Over the Pacific FAQ/Tips
- Version 1.1 UPDATE August 29,1992
- Ted Wagner
- trwagner@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
- ************Introduction***************************************
- I saw a lot of questions on this game and felt that a FAQ/Tip
- document would be useful. This document is not intended to replace
- the manuals. It is meant to enhance the novice HOtP gamer's pleasure
- and skill in the game.
- I fully support all efforts to complete the missions without
- cheating and to buy this product from Graphic Simulations or a licensed
- software retailer or mail order company.
- Hellcats Over the Pacific FAQ/Tips was created with the HOtP
- enthusiast in mind. It is my hope to expand this document in the
- future to accommodate the new scenarios to be released in a few months
- and the new Hellcats version next summer. This document will include
- FAQ's, Tips and Hints while playing this game, easy 'cheat' methods,
- neat stuff to try or see, and an appendix with a list of all the gracious
- people who were instrumental in the completion of this document. A couple
- people had sent some reproductions of the HOtP manual typed by hand. Thank
- you for your contribution, however, I cannot print what is in the HOtP
- manual without permission from the author. (And besides, as I will mention
- many times, this is a game worth buying...if you buy the game, you have
- the manuals.)
- I hope this document is useful to everyone who reads it. If you have
- any suggestions for changes to this document, please e-mail me at the
- address above.
- I tried to get everything in here that everyone sent. This will grow
- in the future, there is no doubt about that! Some of these look like
- redundant questions. Some of the hints, tips, and FAQs do look the
- same...but are subtly different. I left it that way because of the way
- people read and understand things. Some things click for some people,
- some other things click for other people.
- This was a rather rushed job as I completed this while on vacation here
- between August 13-August 26. The updated version which will be released
- this fall will promise to be a bit more organized with sub-categories
- beneath sections. This should make it much easier to find things.
- If you get the new scenarios or just have some stuff to add that is
- not included in this document, please e-mail me at the address at the top
- of this page.
- ************Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)*****************
- Q:What does HOtP stand for?
- A:Well, it is the acronym for the game Hellcats Over the Pacific.
- Q:I've completed many carrier landings (both regular and sinking) but I have
- not always been able to take-off again. On a non-sinking ship, I have never
- had enough room to either turn my plane around, or get up to take-off speed.
- Is it possible to turn around on a carrier to gain runway space ?
- A:The answer to your question is provided in Tip # 29.
- Q: I can't ever win the 'Bomb the Base' mission even though I plant a bomb
- directly on the rising sun flag in the middle of the runway. What am I doing
- wrong?
- A:The flag is actually on the grass between two runways. This is hard to tell
- on B&W screens. If you hit the flag, you miss the runway.
- Q:What's wrong with my plane? The Zeros run circles around me!
- A:If you try turning with your flaps down, you'll find that you can keep up
- with the zeroes.
- Q:Why does the plane seem to over react to stick movements?
- A:Your mouse speed is set too fast. Use the control panel and set mouse
- speed to "tablet".
- Q:Why don't I get credit for bombing the enemy's runway? I know I dropped
- the bomb right on it!
- A:Again, you dropped the bomb on the Japanese flag. You need to make sure
- you drop a bomb right in the middle of the runway. Try to drop the bomb in
- the center (width) and the middle (length) of the runway. Once you get the
- hang of it, you will be able to plant the bomb anywhere on the runway.
- Q:Why is my Hellcats program growing in size?
- A:Each time you use it on a new size of monitor or 1/2 or 1/3 size, then
- Hellcats generates a picture of the cockpit and other stuff to match this
- size, and stores it in the program for faster redraws. So using it on a
- 21" monitor may add significantly to the program size.
- Q:How can I visit or look around the hellcats scenarios real quick?
- A:There is a hidden command that put you in the 'Superman chair' and allows
- you to move all around at a great speed. Just type 'Control S' while playing.
- Your plane is now immobile, you can move it around with the key pad. for
- example, '7' to go up, '8' to go forward, '5' to stop. You can press
- repeatedly on the keys to accelerate, but be careful with the speed, it
- will lead you outside the game ! You can fire when in this mode, but the
- point will not be added to your score. if you try to bomb, that bomb will
- fall when you resume the game. Be careful when resuming the game, the
- plane will be nose DOWN and the engines will be OFF ! so remember to gain
- a lot of altitude! (ctrl-s will get you back).
- Q:I can't get the hang of getting behind the zeros, how can I improve...is
- there a quick way to learn?
- A:Well, no. Practice with the training mission. Practice tight turns
- using your flaps, gear, and decreased throttle. OR, you can uses the
- 'a' key. It will put on the 'autopilot' and your plane will lead to the
- nearest zero around. When you have a plane in sight, hold down the 'a'
- key while in flight. Keep track of your altitude and pull out if you
- are down to 100 feet. The autopilot locks on to the nearest plane on
- radar and follows the zero around and tries to get behind it. Autopilot
- will not work in Flight Training. Neither will the 'e' (enemy view).
- Q:Can I hide from the radar from the Zeros or the Japanese ships?
- A:Yes. You have to stay very low; you can see the effect when you fired on a
- zero and somehow it disappeared from your radar at some point in it's fall.
- You just need to do the same. Stay up off the trees around 200-300 feet!
- You can do this if you are short of ammo and there are still zeros around.
- Just make sure the zeros are not in sight. Chances are that they can see
- you if you can see them.
- Q:How can I sink a enemy carrier?
- A:You must put 3 bombs on it. One method is to fly very low on the same
- heading as the ship. Use rudders to fly in a zig-zag pattern when approaching
- the ship to escape the AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) fire. Another method is
- to climb to 9,000 feet and dive bomb the carrier or ship.
- Q:How can I outrun a zero that's behind me?
- A:You can use the flaps ('f' key) as an air brake to slow your plane. Then
- you can do a tight turn to the opposite heading from your original heading.
- When your heading is where you want it, then retract your flaps and gear (if
- down) and increase the throttle fully. It will never be able to follow you,
- and you'll be behind it soon!
- Q:What happens if you jump and a plane hits you? Does the plane explode?
- Are you killed?
- A:Well, when a plane hits, it has only happened to a few pilots as of
- this date, you die. The plane explodes. The same thing happens if you
- run into a parachute from a Japanese pilot.
- Q:Where is the second F6F Hellcat going in 'The Duel?'
- A:The other pilot is heading toward the carrier. He usually runs into other
- Japanese pilots and they end up in a dog fight. If you follow your wing-man,
- then you are bound to end up in a dog fight.
- Q:How much time has elapsed if you resume a mission after loosing the first
- hellcat?
- A:It depends. If you live, and are close to your base, not long. It is hard
- to tell since there is not clock or game timer which is visible. In
- 'Scramble,' if you lose your plane and you are close to the base and are
- found, it is not very long. You can usually see the other planes on radar
- when you are in your new plane.
- Q:Can you land on the bridge in 'Bomb Base?'
- A:Yes. It has been done. However, watch out. The bridge is in enemy
- territory. Many pilots report that if they come to complete stop on the
- bridge or near it, then they are captured by the Japanese.
- Q:How does the collision detection work? Only in the middle?
- A:This author is not 100% sure. But, it seems to be the way it works with
- naval objects. If it is the ground, then the first contact of your plane
- and the ground usually results in an explosion.
- Q:Sometime in the play back, after crashing, it seems that the hellcat
- literally falls in the sea the last few meters. What happens ?
- A:Refer to the question above. The water seems to be treated as a transparent
- object to a certain depth. (sort of like what happens in REAL water) When
- you hit a certain depth after penetrating the water, the Hellcat will always
- explode.
- Q:How is it possible to have enough fuel to go in the extreme north-west of
- the map (and see the north directional arrow)?
- A:Don't forget the previously mention 'cheat' key. (ctrl-s) Also, this
- author has been able to do this on a full tank of gas at 70% throttle at
- Triple speed. However, I run out of fuel and cannot get back to a base.
- You can also Island hop. Pause the game, do command-m for map, and look
- for the nearest airfield. Most are friendly. You can fill-up, take off
- and reach an island closer to the directional arrow, then take-off again
- with full tanks, then return to that nearest island and fill up again!
- Q:Why is it so easy to crash on landing contrary to what films show of actual
- landings from WWII?
- A:Hopefully, if you are having troubles with landings, you have purchased this
- game. If so, you can refer to the manual for landing tips for tail draggers.
- Also, if you have Flight Simulator 4.0, refer to their manual section on
- landing the bi-plane. (Besides, nothing is as easy as it *looks*). ;-)
- In a nutshell, make sure you are straight and level when you land the plane.
- Make sure your Artificial Horizon instrument indicates that you are parallel
- to the ground. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy.
- Q:Why, in frontal passes, do the zeros seem to always damage the hellcat
- engine, also contrary to actual experience.
- A:Try evasive maneuvers when you are approaching the Zeros. If your radar is
- scanning on '1 mile' mode, and you are one square away from the Zero,
- use your rudder and weave to the Zero. It also helps to be at a slightly
- higher altitude than the Zeros and to have the sun at your back. Engine
- damage will commonly influence the outcome of your mission. So, don't
- stay on a straight path. Most combat pilots don't unless they are flying
- F-16's.
- Q:Why if you pause the Flying Fortress mission when the hellcat is still in
- the hanger, does the B-17 still take off? This makes it a little difficult
- to catch up and protect it.
- A:Well, you are pausing it for you. If you pause the game in 'Scramble' and
- pay attention to your radar, it does move. If you pause, it is wise not
- to pause that long. Pausing in the air seems to not have this same effect
- for some reason. It is best to have all your settings as you want them
- before you begin and saved.
- Q:If I try to dogfight with another pilot using the autopilot key a', half
- the time the autopilot drives me into the ground. Am I doing something wrong?
- A:Yes. Your autopilot is not smart enough to know when you are too close to
- the ground. Watch your altimeter. If you are getting down to 300 or so feet
- and are above 180 knots, get the hell out of dodge! Pull up on the stick or
- make a steep climbing bank. If you don't, you will auger into the ground and
- will go home in a pine box.
- Q:What is the "ultra" cheat key?
- A:Well, it depends on how you want to cheat. The 'e' key will give you the
- enemy's viewpoint. 'a' is the autopilot key, as you already know. 'crtl-s',
- as you again know, is the speed key to travel all over the scenario at high
- speeds.
- Q:How do I resurrect a dead pilot & modify other scores 'n' stuff?
- A:Well, there is a utility called 'Hellcats Rescue.' It will resurrect
- your pilot from his death. You may also edit your copy of Hellcats with
- Res-edit. There is a section explaining how to do that. Don't use res-edit
- unless you have done so before and know how to use it correctly.
- In order to really appreciate this game and earn rank ethically, most Hellcats
- pilots do *not* cheat.
- Q:What hardware is needed to run Hellcats?
- A:You need 2megs of RAM, system 6.0 or higher, and a microprocessor of 68020
- or higher. The best machine to run this on is a Quaddra, fx, or an si. It
- will work on others, but these are best. It runs much faster if installed
- on a hard drive. If you are using system 7, do *not* increase your virtual
- memory above 50% of what the real memory is or the game will be sluggish.
- Q:Does it use color?
- A:Once you use color, you will never want to go back to B&W. It is better
- to use color because you have *MUCH* better visibility.
- Q:Is the flight simulation fairly accurate?
- A:It is not perfect. Reality will be hard to see on computers in the near
- future. Like most games, this is a simulator. It simulates the real thing.
- The programmer researched the physics of the F6F Hellcat and the Zeros. The
- action and reactions, sounds, and other items are as realistic as you can
- get at this time. This is one game that is bound to improve with time!
- Q:Does Hellcats run under System 7?
- A:Yes.
- Q:Can two or more people play using networked Macs?
- A:No. The current version of Hellcats does not allow this. There is a new
- version *expected* to be released next summer that may incorporate network
- flying and combat.
- Q:Does it support the creation of general mayhem on the ground, or can you
- only shoot down other planes?
- A:Oh yes. You can take out AAA batteries, other aircraft, bomb hangars, and
- other ships. Many people report completing a mission and getting their
- mission award and resuming the mission to go back and take out the AAA
- batteries and any planes on the ground.
- Q:Is it possible to collide with another plane?
- A:Yes. If you slam into a plane, you will explode and, of course, die. This
- is another reason for evasive maneuvers when coming directly at another
- plane at the same altitude. This is another danger of autopilot. Try not
- to use autopilot when coming head-to-head.
- Q:Is it possible to shoot down the pilot after he ejects?
- A:No. Don't even waste your ammunition.
- Q:Is it possible to collide with the pilot after he ejects?
- A:Yes! Colliding with a parachute, as discussed before, or the pilot, or
- the lines, will result in immediate death. Besides, shooting a pilot in a
- parachute is a war crime. If you could do it, you would probably be
- discharged for unmilitary conduct and a bunch of other stuff and probably
- be executed.
- Q:Is it possible to fly under the bridge?
- A:Yes. It has been done. Upside down and some have landed on the bridge.
- Q:What's in the "off limits" area to the west in "Flight School"?
- A:A lake with two sailboats enjoying a relaxing afternoon.
- Q:What happens if you shoot or bomb your own carrier, base, other Hellcat,
- etc?
- A:You usually get a warning that you destroyed a friendly unit when you land.
- After two more occurrences, you are discharged. In "The Duel" someone shot
- down Lt. Cmdr Herbert *and* sunk the carrier, then bailed out of my plane.
- He was given a court martial and executed.
- Q:What is the highest score anybody has made?
- A:The sky is the limit. That has not been recorded as of yet. That would be
- a little trivia. If you are a 'net-person' you could find out in
- comp.sys.mac.games.
- Q:Has anybody successfully completed all of the missions without cheating,
- i.e., without using ResEdit to resurrect a dead pilot?
- A:Yes. Many have. This author has completed all but 'Divine' without
- cheating.
- Q:Are the planes in the training mission SUPPOSED to be shot down?
- A:Yes. Please feel free to do so. You should decide to either practice
- bombing or downing the drones. The drones are good practice for attack
- angles. They are not that good in evasive situations and do not attack you.
- When you first load up with bombs in the training mission, you get six!
- You will only get two if you reload after that.
- Q:Just because I see something on radar, does it see me? Will they
- immediately come after me, or do I have some time to pursue my mission
- before I worry about the Zeros?
- A:Maybe, maybe not. Most likely yes. Unless you are in 'Scramble' or
- 'Flying Fortress,' you can take your time. Usually Zeros are easy points
- and it is fine to try and take them out. You *DO* need to worry about
- the Zeros in 'Scramble' and 'Flying Fortress' as your objective in those
- missions is to protect.
- ************Tips and Hints*************************************
- Tip 1: In Bomb Base you get credit for shooting the planes that are on the
- ground.
- Tip 2: You rarely (if ever) need a full tank of gas, and the difference in
- performance is amazing.
- Tip 3: Engage the enemy bomber in "Scramble" from above and to the front.
- You can usually get him smoking on the head-on run.
- Tip 4: You can't ditch w/ your gear down.
- Tip 5: Another approach to the bomber in scramble is to fly very fast at
- about 100 feet until almost (<1/3 mile) directly under it, then pull up
- and roll around. You'll be approaching it from slightly behind and almost
- directly below it, giving you about 10 seconds of good shot time and
- putting you directly behind it after the maneuver.
- Tip 6: I learned about the "tablet" mode for mouse movement speed only after I
- installed a Gravis mouse stick. I was playing Hellcats with my normal
- mouse setting, and was getting jerky flight movement. Using a mouse set
- to "tablet" speed, from the control panel, did wonders for flight control.
- Tip 7: The Setup: To get a direct hit on a pinpoint target (as in the test
- target in the training mission) fly at the point you want to hit low
- (500 feet or less) and fast (200 knots IAS as target is likely to be HOT
- as in Battleships). Zoom straight down when target goes below your panel
- view.
- Tip 8: The Climb and the Flop: When target appears at the edge of your
- view, pull up sharply until you are vertical, climb until you are about to
- stall and pull over so that as you stall, your plane flips over and you
- are pointing straight down at the target.
- Tip 9: Timing the Drop: Watch your shadow on the ground. Give this a
- couple of tries on the training mission target to get a feel for how the
- shadow indicates your position and the time to drop your ordinance.
- Tip 10: Pulling Out (or Popping your Rivets)
- A: BETTER OFF DEAD METHOD: After the drop, cut the engine, continue
- to fall until you hit 500 feet, put down your flaps and simultaneously pull
- back hard. Immediately re-throttle. You'll scrape the ground and
- bounce up to around 600 feet again.
- Hit the flaps the moment you drop the bombs and pull back to a steep dive.
- Hold this attitude till you reach 200 feet and then pull level and retract
- the flaps. You'll be out of AAA range quickly.
- WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Never attempt this bombing
- maneuver when there are enemy fighters (smoking or not) around. They
- WILL hit you when you slow down for the stall.
- Tip 11: Dodging AA:
- Never underestimate the view from behind, from this vantage point you
- can see the AAA machine gun fire before it crosses your plane, and thereby
- dodge potentially mission ending bullets.
- Tip 12: Fuel Levels:
- Most of the Missions (except "Divine Wind") are fairly short in flying time
- as compared to your fuel capacity. Especially in the carrier missions you
- should keep your fuel at half and only make one pass at the target. Once
- you have eliminated fighter support, you can always land, refuel and rearm.
- This works great with "Bomb Base" and "The Duel". I keep my fuel at just
- over half for both and my takeoffs are easier. "Flattop" is also a good
- example. You should lower your fuel levels each time you fly a mission
- and see how close you come to "dead-stick"/BINGO landings.
- Tip 13: Desperate kill :
- If your engine is out or you are out of fuel after the first pass of a carrier
- (with two hits) and you are too low for expecting going back home (or
- whatever), try to crash you plane into the carrier (and don't forget to jump
- before and high enough). That way you can kill the carrier and you have a
- reasonable chance of being rescued (anyway it has worked several times
- with me). Anyway, you won't get a medal for your mission as you lost the
- aircraft.
- Tip 14: There is a small village in the south-east of Henderson Field--three
- houses and a small lake--try these out for target practice.
- Tip 15: South of Henderson field there is a bridge that can be "sunk."
- Tip 16: The north west quadrant there are several strange, small, islands and
- a field right in the middle of the sea.
- Tip 17: Put the gear in the down position to dramatically decrease your speed.
- Tip 18: Flaps can be used as air-brakes to slow your speed down and to make
- tighter turns.
- Tip 19: How to land on a listing carrier:
- Land like you usually do, but keep the Hellcat on a horizontal plane *with*
- the listing carrier and use the rudders to maintain your heading and
- position relative to the horizontal plane of the carrier.
- Tip 20: When your machine (Macintosh) crashes during a landing, or your
- aircraft gets flamed or something like that, just hit <Esc> and end (or
- is it abort) mission. You will then survive keeping the points from previous
- missions, plus what you have added to your permanent score on the
- current mission. This does not work if you get hit direct by a bullet though.
- Then you're dead immediately.
- Tip 21: Getting someone off your tail:
- Plan A: start a tight turn, drop the gear, reduce thrust, and kick in
- the flaps.
- Plan B: build up as much airspeed as you can, go level, kick the flaps in and
- pull up into a vertical position.
- (Plan B may not be a good thing to try with a sick engine).
- Tip 22: To keep from over pursuing your target (aircraft):
- Reduce speed quickly: lower the flaps, drop the gear and reduce the thrust.
- If necessary, climb. If you get really close, the zeroes will turn, so
- take a guess and turn in that direction. If you guessed wrong, just
- complete the circle and pick your victim up again.
- Tip 23: Don't waste ammunition! You only get a certain amount!
- a) if you see flames, break of the attack and move on to another target
- b) lots and lots of quick bursts are better than a couple of long ones,
- especially at long range.
- Tip 24: In most of the scenarios, you most likely don't require a full tank
- of gas--half at most. Take what you need, but not more! If you don't
- need bombs, don't take them. In some of the scenarios, if you do a good
- job of protecting the carrier, you can land back on the carrier and rearm,
- this time with a bomb load.
- Tip 25: A technique to use when dog-fighting is a "skidding turn." (This,
- generally,is not a good idea when actually flying a real plane but in HOtP
- it can work. All you have to do is keep constant power (I use around 60-70%)
- bank in the direction of your turn and keep constant rudder pressure in the
- same direction. You can alter your bank and pitch to keep from stalling,
- just keep the rudder pressure! Using this you can out turn a zero! Watch
- for a stall (too slow) and your altitude. Also watch for "cross-controlling"
- this is, right rudder--left bank (or vice versa). If you stall while
- cross-controlled you can spin the plane. You can recover from a spin by
- pitching down (to increase airflow over the wing--it seems weird, i know)
- and holding opposite rudder to the direction of the spin. The Hellcat in
- HotP does not recover from spins very well and don't try this too close
- to the ground.
- Tip 26: Another trick when going after a carrier is to dive at the red-dot
- on the deck. Go up to around 8-10K feet, cut power to 60-70%, and head
- directly for the nice red dot on the deck. At about 1000-1500 feet (a higher
- percentage hit occurs at 500-800 feet...but the chances of being shot down
- are higher) drop both (or one) bomb, break away from the escort (if there
- is one), and go to full power like a bat out of hell!
- Tip 27: When dog-fighting, it is usually better to come in low, a little off
- to the side, and start turning BEFORE the enemy fighter flies past you.
- Put the flaps in the up position so you can turn faster, and if you're
- about to crash, use your rudders to pull you up without having to un-bank
- (actually, this rudder technique works for all turns). If you do this, you
- come up behind the enemy, relatively close, and you just have to shoot at
- him until he gets hit. Make sure you don't go too fast and fly past him
- (or worse, crash into him if you're not careful).
- Tip 28: When attacking any target that shoots back, other than fighters,
- their shots always seem to go in bursts. Just stay out of the stream when
- the burst starts, and then get back to business. This is especially helpful
- against that stupid bomber.
- Tip 29: Steering your Hellcat:
- This took a lot of people a while to learn. If you're on a runway
- (especially on a carrier runway), hold the brake (space bar) down and
- increase, decrease your throttle, and steer with your mouse. This will
- enable you to turn in circles without moving. This is especially helpful
- on the carrier when you have little room. When on the carrier, make
- sure you are in the middle of the deck.
- Tip 30: Another helpful landing tip:
- Use the rudder to line yourself up with the runway, when landing, rather
- than ailerons. This will keep your plane level but still allow you to move
- left and right. If you have a Gravis Mousestick, try the setting the other
- two buttons to control the rudder.
- Tip 31: Tip within a tip:
- If you don't have a Gravis Mousestick, get one!! It makes quite a difference,
- and feels more realistic too (Whoever heard of using a mouse to control a
- plane?).
- Tip 32: In 'The Duel,' Try to hit one or both of the leading zeroes as you
- go into them head on, and even if you miss, go after them immediately,
- otherwise they'll ignore you and go straight for the carrier.
- Tip 33: In 'The Duel,' after you've shot down all the zeroes, follow the other
- Hellcat to the enemy ships, and wait for him to bomb them, after which you
- can finish them off.
- Tip 34: In 'Scramble,' one way to minimize exposure to the gunners is to
- attack in a steep dive from 4 or six o'clock--there is a gap in the coverage
- there.
- Tip 35: In 'Divine Wind,' keep an eye on long range radar after the fourth
- or fifth zero...if there is no others in sight, land and reload as quickly
- as possible, as a whole bunch more will show up, and you'll need the ammo.
- Tip 36:In 'Flying Fortress,' fly ahead of the B-17 on the way there, and
- behind it on the way back.
- Tip 37: When your Hellcat is damaged, its a lot easier to ditch in water
- than it is to land, even at an airfield.
- Tip 38: In 'Bomb Base' and 'Capture Island,' after bombing the runway its
- possible to take out the AAA batteries on either end of the enemy runway,
- after which you can strafe the airfield to your heart's content.
- Tip 39: Another fun HotP thing to do:
- In "Flying Fortress" mission, when returning, let the B-17 get well ahead of
- you (10 miles or so) and configure your Hellcat to fly strait-and-level. Then
- use the "e" cheat to see what the "enemy" sees. What you will see is the
- bomber base and final approach and landing! Keep swapping back-and-forth
- to be sure that your Hellcat is doing what you think it's doing. Then, you
- can land, refuel, and take off and go try to sink both ships that where near
- the island!
- Tip 40: Change the Gravis joystick's settings so that instead of the gear
- and flaps on the base's buttons, place the throttle controls there. It
- makes the plane a lot easier to fly with the speed controls handy. If you
- are right handed, the flaps and gear are easily accessible on the left side
- of the keyboard.
- Tip 41: The biggest mistake people make in all flying games is to simply
- cruise around with the throttle wide open all the time. Use your throttle
- wisely. Drop down to about 80% once you get behind the bogey and shoot that
- sucker out of the sky!
- Tip 42: Make liberal use of the rudder controls, <shift><z> and <shift><x>.
- With these you can out turn the zeros. In fact, with good airspeed you can
- turn faster with the rudders than by banking. They also provide excellent
- attitude control when you are on your side in a turn. I find this very useful
- when turning close to the ground. They can be used to do snap rolls. When
- flying slowly, bank one direction then hold hard opposite rudder. This
- takes a little fooling around. The most important use of rudders is to
- line up a target, either on the ground or in the air.
- Tip 43: In 'Flattop' where you take off from a field and try to sink a
- carrier, I've found that the most effective technique is as follows:
- 1. Fly directly north (? or whatever the direction the runway is pointed) at
- 50-100 ft. altitude till you get to the ocean.
- 2. Turn left and fly directly at the midsection of the carrier (again as
- low as possible about 50 ft.).
- 3. Fire the machine guns constantly, spraying the carrier as you approach.
- 4. At the last second, release the two bombs and pull up sharply to avoid
- slamming into the side of the carrier.
- 5. Get the hell out of Dodge.
- 6. Gun down the Japanese plane while returning to base.
- Tip 44: Be careful using the autopilot down close to the deck. If you've
- damaged the Zero, and there aren't any more in range, the autopilot will
- release when it crashes. If you happen to have the controls "hard over"
- in some way, you could crash yourself before you realize what's happening.
- Tip 45: Points of targets.
- [This *is* in the manual, but this has been included as a quick reference
- type of thing. I will not, at this time, re-type anything else that is in
- the manual. If you bought the game, you should have it. If not, then buy
- the game so you have the documentation. At $36, this game is well worth
- the price].
- Fighter 500
- Bomber 1000
- AAA battery 50 (anti-aircraft artillery)
- Carrier 2500
- Battleship 1500
- Cruiser 750
- Runway 100
- Points to advance in rank
- Ensign 0
- Lieutenant, JG 2,000
- Lieutenant 5,000
- Lt. Commander 10,000
- Commander 20,000
- Captain 40,000
- To sink ships
- Carrier 3 bombs
- Battleship 2 bombs
- Cruiser 1 bomb
- Tip 46: The bomb indicator is striped when you are on the ground.
- Tip 47: If your mission doesn't need them, leave bombs behind. They are
- heavy and decrease performance. Take as little fuel as possible for the
- same reason. A full tank is 1500 pounds and is good for 3 hours at 70%
- throttle.
- Tip 48: Pressing tab switches radar range from 15 to 3 to 1. You are at
- the center of the radar screen. If it is set at 15 it means it 15 miles
- from the center to the edge.
- Tip 49: If the radar says an enemy is very close but you can't see it, it
- is above or below you. Autopilot can usually tell you which.
- Tip 50: Command T is the triple time option. It makes the game go 3 times
- as fast when you are over 500 feet. It is good for long trips to bomb a base.
- Tip 51: You have enough ammo to fire for 45 *continuous* seconds. It is best
- to fire in short bursts. The manual suggests 2 to 3 seconds. You can re-arm
- and refuel when you land. You must be at a full stop (brake with space bar),
- and your engines must be off (hit "m").
- Tip 52: To take off go to full throttle by holding down the "=" key. The
- manual says you must be going 80 knots to take off. That's about right.
- Just pull back slowly and your up. When you approach lift speed, the nose
- of the plane dips due to lift on the tail. You won't necessarily be able
- to take off at this point. You do not need flaps for takeoff but they help.
- You may need them on a carrier if you have a lot of fuel and bombs. If you
- need to get off the ground in a hurry and have bombs, use flaps.
- Tip 53: If you drop a bomb while flying level it will have forward momentum
- and will be VERY inaccurate. That is why we use a technique called dive
- bombing. The manual suggest you climb to 8 to 12 thousand feet. This is
- about right, as any lower any you will get shot up by flack (AAA fire) and it
- will be hard to line up the shot. The ideal angle of a dive is 60 to 80
- degrees. A good technique is to make sure you're level and look strait down.
- The field should be about 1/3 the way down the screen (this only works if you
- are level). To look down hit the down arrow twice. If the "Pan Cockpit
- View" option is checked the view will sweep the area, if not the change is
- instant. I keep it on. You should drop the bomb between 1 and 2 thousand
- feet to 500 to 800 feet. Any higher is inaccurate, any lower is too
- dangerous.
- Tip 54: If you are damaged you have 3 options in landing. You can attempt a
- disabled landing, a ditch (water landing- make sure gear is up), or bail out.
- Landing is the preferred option since you will keep the plane and get
- mission credit. Bailing out loses the plane, and mission credit. Also if you
- successfully land, you are much more likely to live than the other two
- options. Bailing out is the most risky.
- Tip 55: To land normally on any surface the manual gives 6 guidelines:
- 1. lower landing gear
- 2. line up a few miles behind intended touchdown point
- 3. reduce throttle to maintain a speed between 70 and 120 knots
- 4. allow altitude to decrease until just above the surface
- 5. reduce throttle to 0 when touchdown point is made
- 6. level the altitude of the airplane (flare) and let the landing gear touch
- the ground. After you touch down hold down the spacebar to brake. Move the
- mouse forward to cause more friction on the ground. Landing in Hellcats
- isn't nearly as hard as in other flight sims.
- Tip 56: To land on a carrier you must catch an arresting wire. They are on
- the back half of the carrier. That is the side with the numbers. The tower
- should be on the right. Using flaps will give a steeper decent. If you miss
- the wires, gun the throttle and try again. Don't land on a damaged carrier.
- If you do, reload quickly, and take off quickly or you will go down with the
- ship!
- Tip 57: If your Hellcat is on fire and you have no control, *bail out*!
- Tip 58: When dog-fighting, try to get behind the zeros. Try not to let them
- get behind you.
- Tip 59: The first time you play a new copy of Hellcats it will take about
- a minute to "build instrument panel". This needs to be done only once,
- but makes the file bigger. If you decide to play a game with a different
- number of colors, or a different screen size, it will also construct the
- instrument panel and get bigger.
- Tip 60: When attacking enemy targets, try to hit them as you fly over them
- length wise. This way, you don't have to time your bombs exactly to hit if
- you're coming in to your target on a perpendicular angle. This is also very
- good because many times, you can sink an enemy carrier with only 2 bombs if
- they hit near the middle of the carrier.
- Tip 61: You can actually sink a carrier with one bomb! If you can manage to
- drop the bomb in such a way that it goes under the flight deck and explodes on
- the main deck (under the flight deck), then the carrier will sink. It looks
- great in instant replay because after the bomb explodes within the carrier,
- you see debris fly all over the place.
- Tip 62: In 'Flattop,' the enemy fighter is going after your cruiser. Kill
- it before you attack the enemy carrier, it's an easy 500 points.
- Tip 63: Make sure the "Triple Time" setting is turned off if you are trying
- to attack targets.
- Tip 64: Everyone has their favorite scenario and has his/her own opinion of
- which one is easiest. This author started out with 'Scramble.' I died
- several times. However, it taught me a lot about combat flying....
- approaches, attack angles, general strategy, evasive maneuvers...etc.
- Pick the scenarios at random. This makes it more fun, and realistic.
- ****************Cheating************************************
- It is hard to 'cheat' per se. We have already discussed the 'e,' 'a,'
- 'ctrl-s,' and 'command-t' keys. We are now getting into more sophisticated
- cheating. Most game pilots don't do this. Please be warned again, if you
- have *NOT* used Res-edit before, please do not try this stuff. If you still
- ****************Hellcats and Res-edit (APPENDICES)*************************
- To resurrect a pilot:
- For the ResEdit-headed, the 'HEL1' resource contains the pilot data. The
- first resource ('HEL1') is unrelated to the second one (I forget the ID's,
- but they do have names).
- In any event, the HEL1 resource containing the pilot data is a list of 20
- records 64 bytes each. The first 32 bytes seem to be reserved for the
- pilot's name. These are Pascal-style strings with a preceding length-byte.
- The 32 bytes of data following the space reserved for the name appear to be
- shorts (integers of 2 bytes in length each). The first word is whether you
- are alive or dead (0=alive, 1=dead). Changing this to 0 can resurrect the
- dead pilot.
- The integers that follow are rank, # of fighters downed, bombers, etc. There
- are a few bytes in there that appear to do nothing. Some seem to increase
- your score but have no mention of how or why (perhaps reserved for subs and
- other targets in future scenarios). The rank can go from 0-5, the others
- don't appear to have a cap. Explore, have fun.
- The score is not stored in the resource - instead it appears to be calculated
- on the fly based upon # of various targets you've downed. Rank however is
- not calculated.
- (Information from by John Calhoun)
- Q: Is there a Hellcats patch?
- A: Yep. However, this author does not support patches ethically. Again,
- this is a first rate game. It is worth buying. You won't be sorry if you
- do. I know some do not want to wait for their unlock code and still want
- it for that reason. Whats the big deal with waiting 2 weeks? It *is* a
- pain. But, I think if we get high quality games like this one, we should
- support the efforts of the programmer and his company or distributor.
- ****************Try this stuff!********************************
- * Try to ditch and take off after a loooooong slide (possible)
- * Try to land on a enemy carrier (possible ??)
- [This can be done, if you make it you are lucky. Do not come to a full stop
- or you will be a POW]
- * Fly and dogfight inverted [upside down]
- * Try to follow one zero without killing it. (very good practice)
- * Try to land on the mountain, or a wounded carrier.
- * Bomb everything in flight training.
- * Place a bomb on the top of the control tower in flight training.
- * Bomb all the bases (friendly or enemy) on your map after completing
- 'Scramble.'
- * In 'Scramble,' take off with bombs and kill one Zero and the Beatty. Let
- the other Zero go. Stay a good distance away and follow it on radar. See
- where it goes!
- * Fly upside down at 200 feet when flying over the runway at Henderson Field.
- Buzz the control tower!
- * Fly your plane, fully loaded with fuel and bombs, straight into your
- carrier or friendly ship. Bail out at 200 feet! See what happens!
- * Fly by the bunkers in 'Bomb Base.' See if you can see the doors.
- * In 'Bomb Base,' try to get a bomb to hit the doors on the bunkers.
- [use replay as soon as you know your bomb hit so you can see how it went].
- * Try to get right over the Beatty in 'Scramble.' When you are maintaining
- the same speed as the Beatty, try to maintain a height of about 100 feet
- above it. Push your down arrow twice to get a bottom view. You can sit
- there and watch as the Zeros try to shoot you down....they will put their
- machine gun fire into the Beatty! Also, if you are at LEAST 100 feet above
- the Beatty, you can drop a bomb right on top of it. As soon as you release
- the bomb, lower the flaps and go to full throttle and go vertical. By the
- time the bomb hits the Beatty, you should have climbed at LEAST 400-500 feet.
- ****************Credits***************************************
- I wasn't sure if I should credit certain people. So, I credited a lot of
- you. Below are the names of about everyone who contributed. If you did
- contribute and your name is not below, your item was a repeat and I
- apologize. I used the first of each suggestion. I do wish to thank
- EVERYONE on the net who contributed either with wish-lists, suggestions,
- or just undying support to see the finished product.
- I want to thank all of you. Without your help, this project would have
- taken several longer weeks than it has. Without all of your contributions,
- this never would have come about.
- [Order of contributors is not in any particular order. It is merely random.
- Order of names has no significance on the amount of material provided to
- this author].
- If I misspelled anyone's name, I apologize. I just cut and pasted names
- so they are spelled just the way they were when they were cut from the mail
- messages that were sent.
- Charles Lamonte
- Babak Gohari
- Howard Berkey
- Jim Hogue
- Derek LeLash
- Povl H. Pedersen
- Michel Pollet
- Mathieu Lafourcade
- Bob Lesser
- "Mike"
- Brad Ward
- Peter Newton
- Mike Tanner
- John Hirsch
- Jim Melton
- Howard Berkey
- michel@segin.com
- James Stricerz
- Joe Mac
- Ramiro Sarmiento
- Jon Pugh
- Erik Hoel
- Wile E.
- Steven John Knezevich
- Peter Rigsbee